Move over shorter strands, because med lengths are taking over.
When it comes to bob haircuts this season, we’ve noticed quite the change…. they appear to be growing longer. Medium length/ shoulder length styles are rising in popularity and they now even have their own name.. lobs. Lob haircuts consist of longer bob variations. They flow like a shorter bob would, but are longer in appearance and usually end around the collar bone, or around the shoulders.
While shorter bobs still remain popularity, and long hair will always be in, lobs offer up the perfect marriage crafting up a flirty mix of both short flare with long sex-a-peal. From razor-edge lobs, to wearing your strands wavy. Lobs can showcase more variety than typical bob haircuts since they feature more length in overall appearance.
Hollywood starlets of course adore this growing trend, since clip-ins can easily be added in for special occasions, or for starring roles. Clip-ins of course can then be taken out for days when they want a shorter carefree style making lobs the ideal look for modern women who want the best of both worlds.
Think a lob may be in your future? Then take a peek at of some of the hottest celebs making the move to the growing lob hair trend.